Author Archives: val

Confession of the occasional blogger

I think I’ve came up with the most ridiculous excuse for not updating my blog for almost six years. I would even speculate that this excuse is so good that it qualifies for the procrastinating bloggers playoffs and ends up … Continue reading

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It’s not my birthday, it’s a NEW YEAR, dumbass.

On the January 1st this year I got one very odd email from online store I purchased something from couple of years ago (BTW, it was the worst online shopping experience ever: it worked like a soviet hospital, not an … Continue reading

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Excessive resource usage

Just got an email from one of servers warning me about excessive resource usage: Time: Wed Sep 24 05:21:12 2014 -0500 Account: val Resource: Process Time Exceeded: 1844 > 1800 (seconds) Executable: /bin/bash Command Line: -bash PID: 21234 (Parent PID:21233) … Continue reading

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Missing drive in Defragmenter

Everybody knows how to launch Disk Defragmenter in Windows 7: right click on the drive in Windows Explores, select ‘Tools’ tab and press ‘Defragment now’ button. You’ll see a list of drives available for defragmentation: However, you may want to … Continue reading

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Why is it so hard to learn programming?

I wrote this essay for one of Coursera courses I took recently and decided that I’d share it with a world. The first language I wrote the program in was Basic. The most challenging step for me was to understand … Continue reading

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Linkedin Groups

Joined couple of Linkedin groups to see what’s going on and to pick up the vibe. Feels like PHP Mailing List in 2002. I mean dumb questions and really, really dumb answers to them.

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OK, I won’t, but only if you would. P.S. I understand that this bug has probably been fixed (haven’t updated this software for a while), but still a nice bug.

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British PHP

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Dropbox Support

My personal record: Dropbox responded to my email after 1 (ONE) month of silence. I’m surprised.

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Google Chrome: Use Space Bar to Confirm Form Resubmission

Ok, I can live with the fact that Google Chrome shows this “Confirm Form Resubmission” on certain pages where I typed URL manually (which means they were received via GET method, not POST). But, Google, please, let me use Space … Continue reading

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