Problem: get number of days in certain month with PHP, if $m – is a month and $y – is an year.
First solution, hacker-style (source):
(31 - (($m - 1) % 7 % 2) - ((($m == 2) << !!($y % 4)))) ?>
This solution doesn’t work properly for years divisible by 100, and non-divisible by 400 (years 1900 and 2100 are not leap)
Second solution, canonical:
This solution works only for dates which can be presented as unix timestamps, therefore it’s not good (depends on PHP version and OS.)
Third solution, proper:
function days_in_month($y,$m)
{//by val petruchek
$d = 31;
while(!checkdate($m,$d,$y)) $d--;
return $d;
This solution is based on built-in PHP function checkdate() which validates Gregorian date without unix timestamps.